In 2001, TCM was one of the first companies to pioneer the use of internal mediation schemes. We were also behind the development of one of the largest internal mediation programmes in the world - the UK Civil Service Mediation Scheme (CSMS). We have worked with over 500 organizations globally to develop internal mediation programmes which includes training teams of fully accredited mediators, designing mediator development programmes, delivering line management and HR training, embedding case management systems, creating administrative documentation and providing ongoing quality assurance processes.

To support a culture that is transformative, supportive and fair, an internal mediation scheme is one way to ensure employee wellbeing is taken seriously, and disputes can be nipped in the bud before they escalate.  Having an internal mediation scheme can increase the uptake of using informal resolution processes to resolve conflicts, concerns and complaints across your organisation.

To integrate an internal mediation scheme, there are several key areas you will need to develop. A pool of mediators should be trained, and the scheme will need to be embedded into your organisation’s systems, processes and culture. We understand that every organisation is unique, and for that reason, each internal mediation scheme we develop is tailored around your needs, goals and context. See the image below for details of the process used for building an internal mediation scheme.

If you already have an internal mediation scheme, we can work with you to implement our ground breaking Resolution Framework™ , ensuring people centric processes are aligned to your organisational values.

If you don’t have an internal mediation scheme, or it requires some updating, we can support you at each step of the way.

What are the benefits of an internal mediation scheme?

Organisations that work with TCM to establish an internal mediation scheme are building on their commitment to create an organisation where people are able to work with dignity and respect.

When you place mediation at the forefront of your people policies, you are showing a commitment to a happy, healthy and harmonious culture and a reputation as a place where workplace conflicts are managed positively and resolved constructively.

Did you know:

  • Mediation empowers parties to actively participate in crafting their own solutions. This sense of control over the resolution process can lead to more satisfactory and sustainable outcomes.
  • Mediation teaches transferrable life skills of compassion, active listening, collaboration and more.
  • A study has proven that 80% of disputes have a significant impact on the smooth running of business.
  • Mediation sits at roughly 1/3 of the cost of a formal procedure, saving businesses a lot of money.

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Ready to find out more?

Please complete this short form and we will be in touch with you to answer any questions that you have about setting up an internal mediation scheme.

As well as answering your questions, we can:

  • Organise a no obligation consultation meeting to walk you through the process and various resolution options.
  • Provide you with a complimentary copy of our Stepping Stones to Resolution eBook.
  • Set up a free workshop for a team of your stakeholders to run though the resolution approach and answer their questions.
  • Share case studies with you from organisations that have adopted internal mediation schemes